Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Before I get down to the sentimental family stuff Im sure this month of thankfulness will bring, I'll say how greatful I am for a wonderful neighbor. Leaving Milford, one of the hardest things for me was leaving behind my neighbors. It was so hard that I refused to say goodbye... Her kids were my kids, and my kids were hers. We borrowed sugar, switched babysitting, decorated cupcakes, and celebrated birthdays. We chased down our barefooted kids as the speeded off in their bikes without helmets and our closets were filled with each others kids shoes, mittens and hats lol... For the first weeks in this new house there'd be times I'd yell at the kids, "just go to the neighbors!" then realize what I said and choke a laugh out instead of crying in front of the kids. When we skyped them the first time and heard their voices in my kitchen I sobbed, the ache was too much. Then finally i met my new neighbor, and her oldest son hit it off with Coco and Cai, and while I still miss my neighbors from NH (and they promised to come visit ehem!) my heart is comforted to know I can walk to a friendly face and borrow batteries or salt if I need to. And so while they'll never be replaced, the void is a bit lessened knowing I'm blessed again to have a wonderful neighbor and friend, and for that I'm thankful...

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