Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Hello, I wanted to make sure that my first page was one that let the reader know just who I am!  

I am a busy, (Very busy!) Christ loving, stay at home, homeschooling mom to 5 children under 8.  I am a firm believer in cloth diapering, baby wearing, exclusively breast feeding, raw milk drinking, organic eating, non-microwaving, and more!  But that said, I NEVER judge those who do their own thing!  I mean, as much as I try, I can't seem to give up Pepsi.  LOL 

I love family, singing, playing the piano, photography, scrapbooking, dog breeding, good movies, great books, and PEACE when I can find it!  

My children are:  Rhema--8, Faith--7, Coco--5, Malacai--2 and Gloria-Grace--3 months. 

Right now we also have 1 dog--Bridges a beautiful, promiscuous Golden Retriever, 8 puppies by her and Casanova (AKA absent, unknown father), and 1 cat--shadow.  

I'm starting this blog because try as I may, I never seem to remember to write in a journal no matter how many years its on my goals list!  And I know I'll want to look back some day and remember the day my toddler put bubbles in the toilet and what I was thinking at that time!  

So here goes!  

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