Saturday, August 25, 2012

Our Faith Abigail turns 11 tomorrow

Faith Abigail Victa, just her name alone screams volumes about who this wonderful child, this beautiful young lady is.  She is a little girl of great faith.  There are many times I catch her saying "oh thank you Jesus" when most girls her age would say "oh jeesh, that was close". lol.   In these moments, she reminds me so much of my Nanny, who also was a woman of great faith.

Faith, you are a joy to those you meet and those around you.  Always seeking to help and be a servant to others.  You are usually the first to ask if people need help, and the first to offer your assistance, no matter how great or how means so much to me to see you growing in the Lord and in your character.

You are our brown bear as we've always called you.  And you are gorgeous Faith, but really, it's your insides that shine the most.  And I've always told you, that is the most important!

I thank God for you, our little girl who is not so little anymore.... but you will always be our baby frog no matter how big you get :)

Happy Birthday Faith Abigail.  I'm sorry I couldn't make your video.  I promise to do it this month! Can't wait to celebrate you tomorrow!

Love Mommy

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