Today I am thankful for
Gods leading. Having already taken Faith out of public school and seeing such a positive change in her, I've been praying for a clear cut direction from the Lord about each of the other children, as I don't believe what's best for one is "always" best for the rest, kwim? Recently my heart has been heavy for my oldest, Rhema, knowing she's needing something...something more than what she's getting and its majorly showing in her attitude. Today, I walked in to Mardels with my husband, and I know how he can get lost in this "Walmart-sized" bible book store (haha) so i
tell him I'm going to browse the schooling section. While walking the aisles, the manager of the store asks me if I'm finding everything, I reply yes, he then asks me if I'm a teacher, I say I homeschool. He says "do you want some stuff for free?" (and sorry for my negative attitude here, but initially I thought "must be junk they just want to get rid of" lol.) But I humored him and said yes! I followed him and he shows me 3 huge bins of books, materials, and lessons...all free. I
walked out of the store with over $500 worth of homeschooling supplies, DVDs and books for free, a huge smile on my face and assurance in my heart that yes, God is leading me. One step at a time, one child at a time, I seek to serve the Lord, and know He's patient enough to lead me the way He knows I'll listen and "get it", and for that I'm truly grateful...
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