For my frazzled mind (no!! I do not have it all together, though that is one of my short term goals I write on my "new years resolution" list Every. Single. Year)
So, I'm going to go in order so I don't forget anyone...so since I used yesterday for my grandparents, today I'll write about my parents...Dan and Carolyn Hashem. Just writing their names fills me with a mixture of love, pride, and homesickness. You see, my dad grew up in poverty and abuse. What he has today he worked for, and gave for. Never have I met a man who gave more than my father. I remember the time i came home from school and all our living room furniture was gone. Someone was in need, and he met that need. He worked so hard to put food in our bellies and give us the childhood he never had.
When people would come over our house, they were always made to feel like it was their home. We all had friends that never wanted to leave. And that was always okay with my parents. My dad would make them Heavenly omlets and anything else they asked for or didn't ask for! You walked through the door and were hit with a peacefulness and love, and a homey smell that can only be described as "home sweet home".
My mom is 70 (don't hate me mom, please!) and doesn't look a day over 50. She glows with love and contentment. Many people marvel as she raised 8 children (and many more who needed a home) but that's what kept her young
for they truly are her joy. Even at 30 I would go home for a few days and my dad would make me breakfast every single morning...one pancake at a time so it was hot as I ate it. Mom would buy me a special little gift for my burnt out soul, and I'd leave feeling refreshed and renewed ready to take on my tribe again.
for they truly are her joy. Even at 30 I would go home for a few days and my dad would make me breakfast every single morning...one pancake at a time so it was hot as I ate it. Mom would buy me a special little gift for my burnt out soul, and I'd leave feeling refreshed and renewed ready to take on my tribe again.
So I'm thankful for my parents. For the white-picket fence childhood they gave me, and for the counsel and love
They still give me...no one will ever replace them and I pray every day that they'll live to be a 100 for no other couple deserves long life more than them, they honored their own parents to the day they passed and continue to honor their Pastor and wife, and be a blessing to countless others and their 8 children who are ALL serving the lord as well as
their 23 grandchildren. Their legacy is one you do not see every day, or even every century...and to be a part of it, I'm truly grateful.
They still give me...no one will ever replace them and I pray every day that they'll live to be a 100 for no other couple deserves long life more than them, they honored their own parents to the day they passed and continue to honor their Pastor and wife, and be a blessing to countless others and their 8 children who are ALL serving the lord as well as
their 23 grandchildren. Their legacy is one you do not see every day, or even every century...and to be a part of it, I'm truly grateful.
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