So, Coco...let's start with his Nick name. We get asked a lot, Why Coco? Well with four Francisco's and all of them still living, we felt he needed one, so we went through Nio, Franky, Francis, and when none of them fit, we said forget it and called him Francisco, but his very talkative sisters (age 3 and 2) could not pronounce it and it came out "Coco" lol. And it stuck. :)
I was so happy to have my boy after 2 girls, we were both on cloud 9, although he made his arrival 2 weeks late, and weighed in at a whopping 9lbs 15 oz! (and yes I delivered him naturally) He was so late he cooed in his hospital bassinet while meeting his Daddy. But through those first 6 months, I'd frequently hear a voice that he wouldn't be with us long, and I'd rebuke the fear and pray. I finally voiced it to my husband, and he said he also had heard that "voice"...so again we prayed.
On January 31, 2004 both of us got a terrible stomach bug, the worst we've ever had. I was recovering as Cisco was getting worse. I was finishing up nursing Coco when Cisco called me to come help him. Coco was asleep in my arms, so I placed him quickly in his swing, forgetting to buckle him in, to go help Cisco. After a few minutes I had a strong premonition to go check on him. When I did, I found that he had obviously woken up and attempted to get out of the swing, only he had a t-shirt type bib on, and as he scooted down, it caught on the swings crotch bar, hanging him. I found him lifeless, a blue ragdoll not breathing...you can imagine my complete shock and horror. I screamed to Cisco who called 911, and starting saying the name Jesus over and over. I had enough sense to start CPR, and thankfully we lived within a mile of both the local fire department as well as a small emergency room. They were in my house in 90 seconds. They saved his life (up untill our move, every time we went to that emergency room, they would ask about "their miracle child") anyways, they stabilized him, then flew him to Boston's Children's Hospital where they told us he would have brain damage from lack of oxygen. My parents and family met us there and immediately started a huge prayer chain, calling everyone who believed in the power of prayer...we spent 6 days there, our baby going from complete sedation, being told be had bleeds on tbe brain and on a respirator, being told he may not come out of it to being discarged with a perfectly healthy baby boy...can you tell we believe in the power of prayer??!
Coco is 8, and is a Daddy's mini-me. He has an amazing talent for anything athletic, and is also a great break-dancer...
We almost lost him, he could have suffered brain damage (though sometimes i do wonder-like when he was 7 and he cut his sisters beautiful blonde ringlets all off!!! What was he thinking??!! Haha) But I know God has an amazing future for him, why else would the devil try and take him out early? He's a special boy, and we are so thankful God won, he's alive and ours, and we are truly grateful
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