Wednesday, December 14, 2011

An update for family and friends in New Hampshire and Maine

I have a lot of family and friends from New Hampshire asking us how we are adjusting to our huge life change, and how each of the children are doing, so I figured I'd write a long post about our happenings here in Corpus Christi, TX

Rhema is thriving in academics here, she has a great support team at her school that helps her on a one on one basis, and has been getting A's on her spelling tests, and we are so proud. As far a social aspect there, she had a very hard time adjusting since she was the new girl, and had a few episodes of being made fun of, but with much prayer and encouragement, she has now found a best friend and is starting to find her way there. I believe i'm dealing with the beginning stages of my girl wanting to become a young lady and all the fun emotions that entails (not!) but God's grace is enough!

Faith was having a very hard time in school. She is so advanced and the academics here are a bit behind New Hampshire, so we decided to pull her out and homeschool her and skip her a grade. So now she is doing Rod and Staff 5th grade and she is thriving. She also is enjoying being part of a huge church and getting one of the main speaking parts in our church christmas play. She has a best friend from church who is either always over, or she is always over there.

Coco is also doing fabulous in school. Dad signed him up for football in August, and his last game was last week, where he went all the way to the Super Bowl, and won! I was proud of his endurance in August and September when the temperature climbed over 100 degrees, and he was still out there playing fully suited up, helmet and all!

Malacai is loving school even though he asks me daily if he can be home schooled haha. He gets on his bus happily and comes home telling me that "hey mom, did you know we can drive to Mexico?" Yesterday he asked me if we could go to mexico since he has a passport now! (This week is world week at his school where all the classrooms pick a different country and decorate and cook according to the traditions of that country--and all the kids make passports and get stickers for every country/classroom they visit) He does ask daily if he can go back to New Hampshire, to his old house, and see (insert one name at various times of the day lol) Nani, Pepe, Uncle Dave and Honey, Katie, Madison, Andrew, Miss Lisa, and many more who he loved. I think out of all the children, Malacai has had the hardest time leaving behind all he knew and loved. He daily reminds us how sad he is to have left. I always ask him if we did move back to NH he would miss Pastor, Amie, Ms Patty, Aiden, Ms Susie, Jenn, Lilly, Becka, Jaci, Alex, all people he's fell in love with here, and who have fallen in love with him (Not that its hard haha)

Gloria-Grace is growing like a weed, and without my friends with little girls (Jen and Ebony) would literally be unclothed! All her 2T clothes do not fit anymore. Its so hard to realize I no longer have a baby girl! She's getting so big and loves to "tend" and play all day. All it takes to amuse her is her imagination. If she didn't have toys, she still would imagine with her hands or rocks. She has a very very strong will and I'm asking the Lord to lead me in the correct way to guide her.

Judah is our lover baby, he loves to snuggle and hates it when we leave the room without him. He's about 2 lbs lighter then Zion which has been about the norm the last few months. I joke around with him that he needs to be tougher with his brother Zion who must steal all his food!
Zion is the adventurous one that always keeps me on my toes. And Judah is always close behind joining in the trouble. They've both discovered climbing and have successfully conquered the kitchen table to the chagrin of his mommy. They both adore Faith because she's their "little Mommy" They both have MAJOR toddler attitudes, and I regret not still nursing them, I'm so used to nursing away my 1 year old tempers, 5 minutes with mommy and milk solved everything! (but thank God for bottles!) For them, its CARS, CARS, CARS and CARS! They have a car in their hands every waking minute! They fight each other over cars, and tackle each other over food. Pulling hair, bitings and screaming is a daily assurance. Thankfully they are so stinkin cute, its easy to laugh at all their antics. (the bickerings of the older kids, now thats a different story! Nothing stresses me out more!) One thing I'm so thankful for is that they are great sleepers! They usually take a 3 hour nap and go to bed at 6:30 and sleep straight to 7:30.

Cisco is extremely relaxed and happy here. I think being the head honcho for 10 years of his young adult life really got to him, not that he didn't excel at it, he did! But that's a lot of responsibility for someone so young, and all of his mentors were far away or distant. The change in him is a refreshing change, and that alone was worth the move. He adores working with Pastor Levell, and leading the young adults. He's almost done his Masters of Theology through Liberty University and will continue on to Masters of Divinity, then Doctorate of Divinity.

I love it here! I love the weather, the beach, the palm trees, the church, and the people. I've never had so many friends and wonderful Moms to fellowship with. There are things I miss though, like having my mom and dad and sisters so close. I miss the mountains and beauty of New England, I miss our 3 story home where I could get away from being a mom for 30 minutes, I miss our neighbors and our quiet street and huge backyard where I never panicked if the children were outside since the road was safe. I miss our best friends Dave and Judy, and all our fun times together. But, I DO NOT miss the snow, the gloom and the pressure. My neighbor is probably my biggest blessing (besides our church) here so far. There's nothing better than a wonderful neighbor who cares for your kids like your own, and even becomes a wonderful friend. I feel content here, and know there's nothing better then being in the Lord's will. My future plans are Lord willing, to become a registered doula and lactation consultant and do some photography on the side.

One thing I asked the Lord for was that someone would teach my children piano. In NH lessons were $25 for a 1/2 hour lesson. Multiply that by 4 children and that's $100 a week, or $400 a month! Not possible! Within a month, I found a friend who teaches my children weekly and refuses to be paid. Rhema, Faith, Coco and Cai are all learning the piano at amazing speeds, and I'm just amazed at the goodness of God who really does give us the desires of our hearts.

In closing, at Thanksgiving, we all went around and said what we were thankful for. We watched the video over again, and we both realized that our four oldest children all said they were thankful for their Pastor and their church. How amazing is that? I know God moved us here for many different reasons, but maybe one of the main ones was for our children to be guided not only by their Father, but also a Pastor and church family who love them. The heavens are open here in Corpus Christi Texas. I've never lived in an area where so many people love the Lord. I can't wait to watch the future unfold in the City of Christ.

So there you go! And update on the going ons of the Victa Clan! I hope no one thinks I'm ignoring them, I've never been busier, so I figured one long post would satisfy and hopefully help cut down on all the questions I don't have time to answer lol :) Love you all!

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