Friday, October 10, 2008

Day out

Today I took a few hours and met my Mom for her birthday, she's 67.  I told her that the other day in the car, Rhema asked me, "Mom?  Will Nani still be alive when I have my babies?  Cause she has to be there when I push them out, she just has to be!"  I thought that was so cute, and I will believe with her (and me!) that my mom will live that long and be healthy. Lord knows I don't know what I would do without my Mom.  She's my comfort in difficult times.    Just the smell of her near me makes me feel so much better.  I pray that I can be that to my girls.  No one understands me or what I am going through like my Mom.  

I want to be that for Katie, and I've been that for her for the last year.  God, I implore you to work it out so that she can continue living with us, help me to rest and trust, knowing that we have done all we can, and Your word says, now it is time to stand.  
When my kids realized this may be the last time she tells them a bed time story, they broke down crying, 
all of them, Katie and I included.  She belongs with us, Lord.  Please help us during this time. 

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