Sunday, October 26, 2008


I love my sisters.  No one can understand me like Renee.  When I need a sounding board on the frustrations of homeschooling, or yet another mess to clean up, its Renee that I call!  And when I need someone to empathize with whatever it is I'm going through, it is Rachel I need near me. Becky was there for me when I gave birth to Gloria-Grace, and Bobbi always finds me funny, which is a refreshing change!  
No matter how busy I am, I will never regret having the girls so close.   I am so grateful that my daughters have each other.  They are the best of friends even though they are as different as the sun and moon!  I wonder how Gloria-Grace will fit into their dynamic.  Right now, she is just their real live baby doll that they carry around all the time!   

Frowning Beauty

Gloria-Grace has a beautiful frown.  She was born with a frown on her face, and still, 4 months later, she has a perfect frown.  I love smiles of course like all mommies, but those frowns are precious too! 

Plate Lickin Good!

I made lasagna the other day, and for our brood, I made two large pans of it.  We ate it all in two days!  Malacai especially enjoyed it, and Bridges helped me clean the pan! LOL

Friday, October 10, 2008

Day out

Today I took a few hours and met my Mom for her birthday, she's 67.  I told her that the other day in the car, Rhema asked me, "Mom?  Will Nani still be alive when I have my babies?  Cause she has to be there when I push them out, she just has to be!"  I thought that was so cute, and I will believe with her (and me!) that my mom will live that long and be healthy. Lord knows I don't know what I would do without my Mom.  She's my comfort in difficult times.    Just the smell of her near me makes me feel so much better.  I pray that I can be that to my girls.  No one understands me or what I am going through like my Mom.  

I want to be that for Katie, and I've been that for her for the last year.  God, I implore you to work it out so that she can continue living with us, help me to rest and trust, knowing that we have done all we can, and Your word says, now it is time to stand.  
When my kids realized this may be the last time she tells them a bed time story, they broke down crying, 
all of them, Katie and I included.  She belongs with us, Lord.  Please help us during this time. 

Thursday, October 9, 2008


What a gorgeous New England Fall day it is out today!  We took a break and brought out 4 of the puppies for their first time outside.  They are just starting to walk on shaky legs.  We'll bring the other four out sometime today as well.  Mom got a bit nervous at first, but then wandered away for a bit.  
Also, I had a few minutes to take Gloria-Grace's 3 month photos as well, so here are a few of my favs:

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Hello, I wanted to make sure that my first page was one that let the reader know just who I am!  

I am a busy, (Very busy!) Christ loving, stay at home, homeschooling mom to 5 children under 8.  I am a firm believer in cloth diapering, baby wearing, exclusively breast feeding, raw milk drinking, organic eating, non-microwaving, and more!  But that said, I NEVER judge those who do their own thing!  I mean, as much as I try, I can't seem to give up Pepsi.  LOL 

I love family, singing, playing the piano, photography, scrapbooking, dog breeding, good movies, great books, and PEACE when I can find it!  

My children are:  Rhema--8, Faith--7, Coco--5, Malacai--2 and Gloria-Grace--3 months. 

Right now we also have 1 dog--Bridges a beautiful, promiscuous Golden Retriever, 8 puppies by her and Casanova (AKA absent, unknown father), and 1 cat--shadow.  

I'm starting this blog because try as I may, I never seem to remember to write in a journal no matter how many years its on my goals list!  And I know I'll want to look back some day and remember the day my toddler put bubbles in the toilet and what I was thinking at that time!  

So here goes!