Coming out of the "word of faith doctrine" that we've been in for the last 8 years, I would love to share my true feelings of how destructive this teaching is, as well as be transparent in our error.
What exactly is faith? Is it belief that God exists? Is it trusting in things unseen? How do we get it, how can we acquire enough to "move mountains"? If I'm struggling in my marriage, in my health, if I don't know how my electric will stay on next month, does that mean I have no faith? I used to believe that yes, people who were struggling were so called faithless. They didn't have enough gumption to believe that their electric would stay on, or that their marriage would heal. They obviously were NOT confessing enough, or saying the right scriptures over their lives. And sickness? If their was a "word of faith believer" sick, you better believe that he was told he didn't have enough faith, or that he didn't tithe or give enough money to his Father in the faith. Bondage...
I am ashamed to say that when my kids were sick, I'd pretend they were not. Instead of being the motherly comforter, I'd tell them they needed to confess they were healed by the stripes of Jesus, that while they are experiencing symptoms, they should carry on and not act sick. How stupid could I be? I was living in denial and pride. Christians who believe this way are no different then the humanistic people who follow the book "The Secret". I've heard the stories, or should I say pride in the parents who follow this heresy say "My children have not been sick in 5 years, sure they've had symptoms, but they go in a matter of days" People? Get real! Most kids get sick with the common cold and are better in 2 days. God has made our bodies to fight off pathogens and sickness. Your kids would have gotten better whether you confessed a million times, prayed in tongues over them, or stood on your head for an hour. Please understand, I am not mocking prayer. Prayer is communication with a loving Father, But it is not a formula to get that new BMW or manipulate God and/or people into doing your wishes.
People in the different churches we were connected to would pull the same phoniness. You knew they were falling apart on the inside, but when asked how they were they'd reply "I'm blessed and highly favored" with a huge fake smile plastered on their face. Where did we go so wrong as Christians that we cannot be real? Did that person truly believe that he would get help by putting "mind over matter"? By saying lies instead of being real with a fellow brother or sister, and allowing them to share in his burden? Whatever happened to Galations 6:2: "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfill the Law of Christ" ?
You see, to me, Faith is a simple trusting. A trust that there is a God, who loves us so very much and wants what is best for us. He is there at all times, and knows our every need and desire. Faith is trusting in that Father, knowing His best for us will not be held back. Can His best be sickness, grief, pain, loss, tragedy? I believe it can. How many stories both in the Bible and in our own histories would we have to discount to say that those people missed Gods best, God's will? Would Joseph had delivered Egypt and Israel if he didn't have to suffer the betrayal of his brothers, and the beatings of that he endured while in slavery? Would Ruth ever have met Boaz, the ancestor of Christ, if she had not suffered grief and loss, humiliation and hunger?
The health and wealth prosperity gospel has so many people blinded in complete error. They've replaced trust in an all knowing God with trust in man and his formulas. It is a false doctrine of pride and accomplishment, not humility and servanthood. To truly believe the prosperity/faith gospel, you would have to go through your Bible with a permanent marker and cross out over 50%. And yes, New Testament also! Sermon on the mount? Acts? The stoning of Steven (because we choose our time of deaths right?) The beatings of Paul and Silas, the beheading of John the Baptist...all would have to be blackened out. What makes us so special that we think we will avoid tribulation and hardships? Because we live in the 21st century? Because we paid our tithes, and gave to the man of God? Please. We believed these very things, and would give thousands of dollars over the course of years, money we did not have, because we were told we would get more. How about giving to give not to get?
Therefore, while we pray for our children to be healed when sick, that prayer also comes with a peace knowing that whether that child is healed or not, God is still on the throne, and His purpose will be done. And while going through a financial hardship, yes, we can read scriptures on how God will supply our need, but our trust has to be in Him not in formulas of how much we've given, how much seed we've sown, if the ground we sowed in was good ground, or if we payed our tithes. God will meet our needs because He is good, and He promised to do so, not because of our works. If we have a rebellious child, loving that child because God loves them, and they are a sinner just like us. If our marriage is struggling, resting in the Lord knowing we are not alone, and have not taken Him by surprise.
How do we remove mountains by our faith? I'll tell you its not by confessing, or thinking positive, or lying to others about our true feelings. Its simply trusting. Trusting that the God who created the universe, is the same God who knows the exact number of hairs on your head. That He will always, no matter what you are going through, carry you through. That while you may be suffering pain, He has promised to turn that pain around for your good for HIS glory.
You'll look back over your shoulder at that mountain of defeat, of sadness, of grief, loss and pain, and realize with God's help, you climbed that mountain one step at a time, and your stronger because of that climb. That my friend is "mountain moving faith"