Friday, December 18, 2009

Our surprise

On October 28th, I took a pregnancy test which was positive! I began having morning sickness right away, and pretty severely...I had to tell Lynn since I could no longer teach G12. When I hugged her and whispered in her ear that I was pregnant, she said "Its twins!" Now Paul Springer has been telling us for years that we would have twins, so this sounded common to my ears! But then I became even sicker, more tired, and my uterus was growing fast! I had a feeling something was up.

They scheduled my 8 week ultrasound, and me and Cisco went into the room. The lady started the ultrasound, and I saw three blobs! I said "Its TRIPLETS!" To which she replied, no not triplets, but there are two babies" Cisco said, "what? Twins?" She said, "umm, yes, two babies generally means twins!" LOL

So they are in the same sac, which the tech seams concerned over, but refuses to answer any of my questions. So we leave excited, but in the back of my mind, I hear her doubts....

I begin to research twins in the same sac, otherwise known as mono-mono twins. Not good. I see 50% mortality rate, and hospitilized bed rest at 24 weeks....I just know I need a miracle, and fast!

I get out Jackie Mizes "Supernatural Childbirth" and begin highlighting all the scriptures in my Bible one at a time that say healthy children are my heritage, and that all children are blessed IN THE WOMB, and I begin confessing morning and night...not too hard seeing the only place I wanted to be was in bed, I was so ill...

My doctor calls and confirms all my fears, and sets up an appointment with a specialist for 2 weeks...those were the longest two weeks of my life. But I kept all the negative reports to myself and remained on the Word that a membrane would grow to protect my babies.

Meme is up when the specialist appointment falls on, so she comes with me, and within 2 seconds of having the gel and wand on my belly, the tech says, "huh, I see a membrane" the 5 most beautiful words to my ears. 100 pounds fell off my chest right then.

Later in the week, my Dr. calls and said the entire board of drs said they were 95% sure they would NOT find a membrane, that there was not one there to begin with, and it was impossible for it to grow this late, and the only answer was it was a miracle!

Praise the Lord, my next ultrasound will be on the 28th of December!

6 months since my last post!

I have really slacked on the blogging side of my life. Since my last post, I did decide to continue homeschooling the children. I have come to recognize stages in my life where all that is needed is a much deserved break! So that's what I did, I took a break from all things homeschooling, and when the break was over I was refreshed.

So during the summer we spent a lot of time at the lake with my friend Judy, some time at the pool, and lots of outdoor fun.

We got our back yard done, with a beautiful patio and grass meadow for the children to play in, all we need now is a completed fence and swing set!

Gloria celebrated her first birthday, Rhema and Coco their 6th and 9th, we celebrated our 10th anniversary, Faith her 8th birthday, Katie her 16th and Cai his 3rd!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

I've been struggling lately

Lately I've really had a hard time getting everything done.  I don't remember the last time we did school :(  

I'm so busy with the little ones, and cleaning, laundry and cooking, I just can't seem to fit school in anywhere.  

I'm seriously considering public school next year.  I just don't see how its fair for my children to miss out on so much.  

But then there's the argument that I'm teaching them in different ways.  The girls know how to clean, take care of babies, and are starting to learn to cook.  

I really just need God's guidance in it all.  Please pray for me that we will do what God wants.  Because what He wants will be where they flourish the most, school or not! 

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Thanking God for Baths and Oxiclean

I do not know what I would do without Oxiclean!  GG is such a messy eater, and I can never keep food/slobber/boogers/dirt off her clothes!  So that is why I love oxiclean!  It cleans them everytime!

Also bath time! LOL  Malacai and Gloria-Grace have a very unique relationship.  Malacai really doesn't pay attention to her at all unless she takes his toys or we ask him what her name is!  So it was cute to see the two of them in the bath together!  

Beautiful Day!

I enjoy homeschooling, but there are days that I absolutely LOVE it, like today. It was such a gorgeous day outside.  I decided to take them all out, lay a blanket down, and begin reading.  We also are beginning a project on the trees and their bloom cycle.  The girls are photographing as well as drawing its cycle.  

Cai was a bit of a challenge.  He wanted to run in the street, and in order for him to do that, I had to be in the street with him.  But I couldn't be in two places at once! So he had to be buckled in his car for a bit!  

Here are some photos today of our homeschooling.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The results of an 8 year old Doctor

Coco came up to me the other day and I noticed several black marks on his head.  I said, Coco, what happened to your head?  He replied that he had been fixed by Rhema.  I knew I needed to inquire further, so I called to Rhema.  She hid from me when I asked what happened.  Now I knew this was going to be good!  So finally fessed up and said she was playing Doctor with Coco, and that was his medicine.  Too bad it was in permanent marker, and he had to go to church like that!   

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Gloria-Grace is 8 months!

I can't believe how fast time has flown by!  Gloria-Grace is 8 months today.  She has quite the personality.  She loves to be held, she loves the cat and the dog, and she loves, LOVES mommy and breastfeeding!  She hates to be put down, she hates being changed, she hates sleeping apart from us, or maybe just sleeping in general...

She's a girl of strong feelings as you can tell.  She is either REALLY happy, or REALLY upset.  Tears flow daily, but so do laughs and smiles.   She has 6 teeth already, and up until now, she is exclusively breast fed.  She does enjoy an occasional cracker, but has no desire for baby food as of yet.  

We all enjoy her so much!

Our Recent Trip To California

We went to California on a ministry trip, Cisco, me and Gloria-Grace. We started in Sacramento, where Cisco preached at Calvary Christian, (our mother church) Then we went to Stockton where Cisco spoke at the FCMI conference. Then we went to Elk Grove to visit Dad and Mom Goudeaux. We then drove to San Francisco where Cisco preached at Souled Out. Later that day we drove to Montery, and we preached again...Sound tiring yet? LOL Monday and Tuesday we toured San Francisco. We got to see the Golden Gate Bridge, Elcatraz, crooked street, and pier 39. Wednesday we drove to Fresno where Cisco preached at Harvest of Praise, then back to Elk Grove to stay overnight with Mom and Dad Goudeaux, and Cisco preached one final time at Calvary Christian South on Thursday, (me and Mom stayed back and watched a movie together) Friday we finally flew home, and boy was I glad to sleep in my own bed and hug my kids! I missed them so much!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Another Reason We Do NOT Vaccinate

The drug company

Paragraph 2
M-M-R II is a sterile lyophilized preparation of (1) ATTENUVAX* (Measles Virus Vaccine Live), a more
attenuated line of measles virus, derived from Enders' attenuated Edmonston strain and propagated in
chick embryo cell culture; (2) MUMPSVAX* (Mumps Virus Vaccine Live), the Jeryl Lynn** (B level) strain
of mumps virus propagated in chick embryo cell culture; and (3) MERUVAX* II (Rubella Virus Vaccine
Live), the Wistar RA 27/3 strain of live attenuated rubella virus propagated in WI-38 human diploid lung

Reference 1 page 10 (merck website-above)
1. Plotkin, S.A.; Cornfeld, D.; Ingalls, T.H.: Studies of immunization with living rubella virus: Trials in children with a strain cultured

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Assembly line Mama

So, my MIL came to visit for a few days.  She is a very hard working woman, who loves to help us while she's here.  She mentioned to me a few times while she was here that she didn't know how I do it.  Meaning mothering 6, homeschooling 2, changing diapers x's 2, being the maid, and the chef, and the list goes on...

And I realize that that is how I feel sometimes, that the list just goes on, and on, and on.  I got this mental picture of an assembly line that just keeps running, even when the workers change shifts.  

Though the thing with me is, I have no one to relieve me of my shift, because my shift is endless.

7:30 am starts with nursing Gloria-Grace, getting elbowed by my 5 year old who made his way into our bed yet again sometime in the night, untangling myself out of the sheets because of how disturbed my sleep was, and getting up to "no I didn't, I'm telling".  Now mind you, this is all before I get both feet on the ground!  

Then as I make my way downstairs with GG on my hip, I go to her nursery and change her for the day.  Put her down somewhere where she won't cry for a few minutes.  I then make my way to Malacai's room and know before I even open his door that he has a surprise waiting for me cause I can smell the fumes outside through the cracks!  Change him, dress him and dispose of the diaper outside!  Get him settled in his high chair, get out whatever I'm making for breakfast.  Feed the 6  of them (Husband included) do devotions/prayer, clean up, start two washes and make coffee.  

Then I get the 3 older kids dressed/combed.  Take a drink of my lukewarm coffee, eww, put it in the microwave.  Get the school books out on the table.  "YES, (Rhema/Faith/) we HAVE to do school today!"  Sit down and start to read.   Gloria starts to cry, so I go and get her from wherever I laid her, nurse while reading.  What is that annoying beeping sound??? Oh yeah, my coffee!  

So we get through Bible, History, and Missions, even though Coco is singing, Malacai is driving his cars all over the girls arms, and Gloria-Grace is distractingly cute!  

Now it is time to get Coco off to school.  "Where are your shoes Coco?"  I say... to which I often hear back "I don't know" we are all off to find the child's shoes, coat, bag and folder.  I then make his habitual peanut butter and jelly sandwich on wheat.  Stick it in his bag, and send him and his sisters outside to wait for the bus.  

Meanwhile, Malacai has decided that it is fun to open and close the slider to let the dog out, no in, no wait...out, ummm...SHUT THE DOOR IT's FREEZING!  

Coco is off to school, and I am making pasta/mac and cheese/PB+J/ they all eat, and I clean up again...the girls finish up their school work, and then go off to do their fun things like computer/tv/talk on the phone.  

I change and put Malacai down for his nap, then bring GG upstairs to nurse her to sleep, go switch the 2 washers and what do you know, its quiet!!!!  So I make my lunch of pasta or salad or nachos and that oh so tasty Pepsi and read or go on the computer.  Some days I have an hour, other days two, but most days its about 45 min...

Katie comes home off the bus and relays to me all the juicy details of her (AMAZING, lets see how many times she says amazing) high school musical day while making herself a snack.  

GG starts crying, I go and get her, change her and nurse her. 

By now its about 3:30, and Coco's bus is honking in the driveway because I forgot him again.  I get my shoes on, put the baby down, she protests with real tears, go slipping and sliding out to his bus, give him a hug and tell him how much I missed him and open the door to GG's screaming.  I pick her up, answer the phone and tell my husband how great my day is going and how much I love him.  

Malacai starts to talk in his crib, I go get him, change him and kiss him.  He's happy to be out and rested.  Now its time for me to think about dinner, round the troops "STOP what you are doing and start to prepare for daddy to come home" and clean.  

Lets eat again shall we? I get dinner on the table, and call us all together.  We pray and eat and talk.  Malacai shows off his talent of naming everyone in the family and we still find it cute.  Bridges sits under his feet waiting for him to drop something.  "USE YOUR NAPKIN NOT YOUR SHIRT, WHAT WERE YOU RAISED IN, A BARN???"  

Wait a minute, now its time to clean, ummm again!  Everyone helps here, and then its PJ time...I can feel my redemption drawing near now and I start envisioning  a cup of tea, a fire and a blanket...GET THAT TABLE CLEARED, NOW!  

Cisco goes off to play with the kids and get them all excited before bed, and I finish up the kitchen, put all the days clothes that were taken off in random areas in the wash, and get Malacai and GG in their PJ's.  

I can smell the tea now, and start to get over eager.   "NO, you can brush your teeth in the morning! GET INTO BED"  We all gather in their room and read them the Bible and pray with them.  Kisses all around, and the lights are off.  3 down, 3 to go.  Malacai gets his bottle and I lay him down in the crib and bless him.  Fan on, door closed.  2 more.  

I take GG upstairs and nurse her to sleep, lay her down, and she protests in cries.  Shake her crib and wait till she's quiet.  

Now all I have left is the talkative teenager, please go somewhere!  

YES! Umm, no wait, "Where's my Lamb Mommy?" says Coco with a smirk on his face as he managed to get out of bed.  "Upstairs in my bed Coco, stay in your bed at night, and you'll always have your lamb in your bed"!   I go up quietly to my room so as not to wake up GG, and get his lamb.  

Katie is making herself something to eat, and I begin the process of starting the fire and tea.  My husband comes up behind me and hugs get the picture....

So now its about 10:30 and I have yet to sit down for more then minutes at a time, all day.   
I finally have my tea made, and GG starts to cry.

So yes, an assembly line, but you know what?  I wouldn't change it for the world.  My happiest moments in my day are when I see my kids together at the kitchen table, or seeing how happy a smiling baby makes them.  And I realize, someday I'll be able to drink  hot coffee/tea while its still hot.  

And so I try and enjoy the lukewarm tea now, because these moments will be gone before I know it.   STOP FIGHTING!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Why Do I Cloth Diaper?

I've been asked this by so many people, its not even funny!  So why do I, with all I have to do with so many little ones running around, choose to cloth diaper?  

Well it all started when Malacai was 4 months old.  He had a TERRIBLE rash that I just could not cure.  After spending tons of money on different types of creams/powders, I went to a local store in the area called Mother and Child which focuses on natural mothering...they sell used items as well as new. They have a lot of natural items for babies, so I went hoping they could point me in the right direction. 

They did!  They showed me all their diapering creams, and right beside it 
was a huge section of cloth diapers.  I had never even considered that people still did that!  Well Karen, the awesome owner, showed me all they had and what she though was the best for Malacai and his skin.  

I went home and found and
 ordered an all inclusive package of 18 medium fuzzi bunz, inserts, doublers, wet bags, pail liners, cloth wipes, wipe spray, and detergent.  I think it was $350.  I used them until Malacai was 18 months.  So 14 months of everyday use, and they still looked great!  His chubby thighs weren't quite fitting in them anymore, and he was on the last snap, so I started looking into other options.   And get this, I sold all 18 with just the inserts for $200!  So I kept the 2 pail liners (use them everyday) all the doublers, wipes, and wetbags, and still sold the diapers for $200!  I figure I diapered him for 12 months for about $75!  

And then I found and all my savings went out the window, cause I just had to try everything that was out there!  LOL  My husband says diapers are my hobby. :)

Anyways, now I cloth diaper both babies, and love every minute of it.  I mean the savings is great, but how about not putting on a chemical laden disposable (could they be a reason so many people have reproductive issues?), but a fluffy organic cotton prefold next to my baby's reproductive organs?  Or that we have no diaper trash lying around, or that we never have to make an emergency run to walmart to get diapers/wipes.  

I don't know, it just feels right...

Then, there's the cuteness factor.  Who could help but love a baby running around in a cloth diaper, or wool longies that no one else has because they are one of a kind, hand knit?

Can you tell I'm addicted?  Here are some fluffy bum pictures from the last 2 years :)

Just another reason why we do not vaccinate our children.  
Thanks Katie for all the helpful information!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

How I Spent My New Years....

We had an amazing week of services leading up to the new years.  We had Pastor Tomas Petes from Concord on Monday, Tuesday we had Matt Bagley, and Wednesday, Cisco preached.  It was very powerful and anointed.  Anyways, on Wednesday night, we had a party after the service, and at 11:59 guess where I was?  In the nursery breastfeeding Gloria-Grace.  I guess that's the perfect way for me to ring in the new year!  I didn't get a kiss, but I gave her one!  


So this year, my kids really got into Santa.  My friend had them over for the day, and had them make their lists and letters, and then took them to the post office to send them.  They got a letter back in the mail from Santa, so they really had fun with it.  

So when Uncle Danny dressed up like Santa on Christmas Eve at my Mom's house, it was icing on their Santa Cake!  Malacai was the only one who didn't dig it.  

Gloria-Grace was held by Uncle Danny all night before he transformed into Santa.  And of course all night he was giving her zerberts.  So we all thought it was hilarious when she sat on his lap as Santa, that the first thing she did was make a zerbert sound...she wasn't fooled by the wig, she knew who was under the disquise!  

Here's some photos of the fun as well as a photo of all of us kids together...first time in a long time we were all under one roof.